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Freeman Global Investment Counsel on this page and throughout this website has provided links to various other websites. While Freeman Global Investment Counsel believes this information to be current and valuable to its clients, Freeman Global Investment Counsel provides these links on a strictly informational basis only and cannot be held liable for the accuracy, time sensitive nature, or viability of any information shown on these sites.
Bill Gertz Washington Times (3-1-11)
Daily Mail article (3-1-11)
The Examiner (3-3-11)
The Blaze (3-1-11)
Times (London) (2-1-11)
Fox Nation (3-1-11)
Fox News Live with Megyn Kelly (3-1-11)
Dawn Wires (3-1-11)
CNBC Closing Bell (3-2-11)
Ray Dunaway Radio Interview (3-3-11)
Glenn Beck website commentary
Glenn Beck Video Coverage of Freeman Report (Fox 3-2-11)
The American Thinker: Was the Economic Crisis Manufactured (3-5-11)
The Trumpet: Economic Warfare Hastening the Demise of America (3-5-11)
Financial Sense: Confirmation of “the Sequence” (3-4-11)
The Insana Quotient with Ron Insana--One Hour Interview
Want China Times: China the likely culprit behind financial terrorism: Pentagon (3-5-11)
Hot Air: Was financial meltdown the result of economic terrorism? (3-1-11)
Frank Beckman Show (3-3-11)
Steve Malzberg Show (3-8-11)
Michael Reagan, Fox News (3-11-11)
Counter Terrorist Magazine: Is China at war with the USA? (August/September 2011 cover story)